A word to myself

In this rat race, called life, the best competition is one that is against yourself, against your own God given abilities – to try to be better than you were yesterday.

You will never be good enough when someone is in charge of the grading criteria.

It requires a mental toughness to fall out of the bandwagon the masses are in. It requires that you turn away from temporary security. It requires that you build a unwavering faith in yourself – a one mind.

It will also require that you “die to self”. Because to start anew, to set a new and authentic bearing, you will be called to continually sacrifice your ego.

Your new life will require you to become a nobody before you can become somebody.

It is not easy. And it will takes years – but the rewards surpass the discomfort today.

When you are good, you will be called to serve before kings not before obscure men.

Be honest about your truth, and your reality. Look into yourself and work on your strengths, compensate for your weaknesses.

Do not waste time trying to run that race you really do not have a chance at winning. Life is short, before you realize, you will get old wasting your time trying to solve a problem that really was not your priority, projects that do not have eternal consequences.

Be smart, be wise, work smart, not necessarily hard. And START EARLY. START NOW.

Start today on your legacy project.